Have we boxed in the idea of prophecy into a modern bite-sized, seeker-friendly version of what its true potential power possesses?
Why have we as a society and as the Church, allowed this downplay of this glorious and most gracious gift from God?
In this book, Dr. Ben Lim shares that the anointing of Joel 2; the unleashing of God’s Spirit and presence all across the earth cannot be stopped.
Dr. Ben Lim powerfully declares how radical and true life changing transformation can and will take place when the prophetic is honored and released in its true form.
Receive an impartation and activation of the prophetic in these Last Days.
Be challenged to feel and be free to prophesy in greater levels and dimensions of glory.
Gain greater understanding of the true purpose and power of this gift entrusted by God.
Have a deeper love for the things of God and for the supernatural.
Gain conviction of how the prophetic brings restoration, edification, and the fear of the Lord
for the Body of Christ.
Has God called you into the office of a prophet? Do you want to step into greater dimensions of prophecy?
To not only verbally prophesy the Word of the Lord, but to become a true vessel and a sign and a wonder on the earth?
If that is you, then this book has your name on it!
Do not go another day without receiving the truth and freedom that comes with this book.
Start Your Phrophetic Frenzy Today!
Unlock Transformation Through Out of-this-world Encounters
In this book, Dr. Ben Lim shares that the anointing of Joel 2; the unleashing of God’s Spirit and presence all across the earth cannot be stopped.
Receive an impartation and activation of the prophetic in these Last Days.
Be challenged to feel and be free to prophesy in greater levels and dimensions of glory.
Gain greater understanding of the true purpose and power of this gift entrusted by God.
Have a deeper love for the things of God and for the supernatural.
Gain conviction of how the prophetic brings restoration, edification, and the fear of the Lord
for the Body of Christ.
For Book Bundle, S&H Flat Rate of $8
For Prophetic Bundle, S&H Flat Rate of $8